Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Many walls have been built over the centuries of time. Some built by wood and stone, which crumble over time. Some walls are built by hurt, anger, an unforgiving spirit, and bitterness. These walls can only be torn down by the person that built them. If the choice is made not to tear them down, these walls grow taller and stronger daily until they completely surround and swallow the person. Eventually, these walls are all the person see and is able to focus on. These walls effect every area of the person's spiritual life, emotional life, and relationships. These invisible walls do not only effect the person that built them, but also everyone that is in contact with the person. These walls holds people at arm's length. The builder assumes that he/she will never be hurt again, but in reality they are hurt day after day because the old wound is festering and not healing. Secretly, the person is longing for freedom from these walls, but either doesn't know how to escape or doesn't want to risk the emotional pain that will be apart of the healing process. They don't want to give up the "security" that these walls give them.

There is hope for the person that is trapped in these walls. I heard a song recently that says it all.

In this world where you’ve been living
You have lived for much to long
And your life has lost it sunshine
And your heart has lost it’s song
You have made your life a prison
With the walls so big and wide
And you’ve left the Lord outside

Freedom freedom is yours for the asking
Jesus is waiting to make you free
His love will take you
Where walls can’t separate you
And you shall be free
When the truth makes you free

You have made yourself a prisoner
Of a world you won’t let go
And the walls rise up around you
And each day they upward grow
Look above the sun is shining
There is a bright new world above
It is God’s world of freedom and love

The hope is in Jesus. He will heal the hurt and pain. Look up for your redemption draweth nigh. No, it is not an easy road. Sometimes you have to go through more pain before you can heal properly. But if you give everything to Jesus, He will help you through it and help you break through the walls. Set up a close support system with people that you trust. Hold to God's promise that He will never leave you or forsake you. Remind yourself daily that God loves you and can also feel the pain you are going through.

For those that have already broken out of their walls, reach out to those who are hurting. Show them Christ's love. Sure, sometimes it's not easy, but remember the pain that you have gone through and what it took for you to break out of your walls. Be there to listen when the hurting wants to talk. Remember to carry this person to Christ through prayer and fasting. Remind them carefully and gently that when the wall is torn down that they will be free. Free from the pain, torture, and guilt. I challenge you seek out a prisoner of these invisible walls and be Christ to them.


urhis said...

What an inspiring thought! Such wisdom we all need to be reminded of these truths. Keep encouraged. God Bless you as you study hard. Love you!

Monica said...

Great job! You might just get published sometime. It gave me alot to think about. Love you. See you this weekend hopefully.