Saturday, April 14, 2012

What about the Glory?

We hear sermons about the Glory that was present so long ago.
We hear how people ran to the altar to get saved.
We hear that people ran, shouting up and down the aisle of the church or camp meeting.

But where is the Glory now? Where has it gone? Can we have it now?

A song written by Jerry Glick states that it's the Glory that will draw lost souls to kneel at Calvary, but that we must contend for it.

Are we really and truly contending for God's presence to be in our midst? This is not an easy task. The word contending means that you strive for something. These are some of the questions, I have started to ask myself.

Are we carrying a burden for the lost? Do we really believe that there is a Hell, as much as we believe there is a Heaven. Honestly, I think if I did I would be praying more. Lord, help me.

Are there things in our lives that we are placing before God?

Do we care enough about our brothers and sisters in Christ?

Is our words, actions, and spirit matching up with our profession of be a Christian?

Are we being a reflection of Christ to those around us?

Are our hearts surrendered completely to God?

What are we doing to show people the way to Christ?

There are things that God is going to ask you to give up. There are times when you will want to give up time of recreation for time of prayer. God will have to have full control, before He will be in the midst of us. He wants to have a relationship with His children. He wants to work in us, so that He can work through us.

Lord, help me to be a reflection of You. Help me to have a revival in my own heart.Help me to be a Christ follower and not a people pleaser. Help me to carry a burden for the lost like I should. Help me to always put You first. Amen

You see I don't want a revival of emotions. I want to see a revival that is God orchestrated. A revival that changes hearts and lives. A revival that souls will humble themselves before God and let Him work a miracle in their lives. Because then and only then will revival take place and last a life time.

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