Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Am I living to make a difference?

Today, I went to a funeral of a person who showed me what God's love really looks like. She showed me that caring for someone doesn't just make a difference at that time, but a life long impact that can change lives for forever. Her daughter read the poem "The Dash", which talks about how it really doesn't matter on what day you were born or the day you die. But it's the time in between that God has allowed us to live and make a difference for His kingdom. I started to ask myself what am I doing to truly make a difference? Am I so focused on my needs and my ambitions, that I'm not taking the time for those who truly need me. Am I doing what it takes to show others God's love for them?

Lord, help me to live my life to bring glory and honor to You. Help me not to focus on me, but to focus on what You would have me to do.