Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Here On My Knees

I found this in an old notebook today. I thought I would share it.

Here on my knees, I wonder why we have to look at the same moon in two different places. I wonder what God's plan is keeping us apart. He must still be preparing us for a life time of companionship.

I wonder if our kids will have blue eyes or brown. I wonder how it will feel when we tuck them into bed and hear their goodnight prayers. I guess I'll have to wait, here on my knees.

There are days when I feel that I am all alone. I just want to feel your gentle touch and see the sparkle of love in your eyes. But here on my knees, I know that God has a greater plan than mine.  And He will answer in His perfect time.

I am here on my knees, waiting to see your face. I am here on my knees, wanting to hold your hand. I am doing my best not to rush God's perfecting timing. I'm trying to learn patience and contentment. God is teaching and molding me, as I'm here on my knees. He is helping me to become a woman that will please Him and be able to perform the role of a woman in a relationship.

Here on my knees, I will stay until you are brought into my life.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

What I Can Learn from Christmas and Symbols of Christmas 

1. Trust - The shepherds had to trust what the angels told them on that first Christmas night.

2. God is always protecting us - He sends angels ahead of us and goes with them Himself

3. Lights - Walk in the Light God gives us

4. One day we will be in Heaven with the angels.

5. We are white as snow

6. God knows what’s best. - We wouldn’t think that sending a baby was the best way to save the world.

7. We are to reflect God’s love just like the bulbs on the tree reflect the lights.

8. We are to “connect” as a team just as the beads connect to go around the tree.

9. Lights - We are the light of the world.

10. Our sights should be upward just as the tree branches point upward.

11. Jesus can really see if we are good or bad

12. God gave us the greatest gift - LOVE

13. God is always with us

14. Ice - Watch out for the tricks of Satan, so we don’t slip and fall.

15. Christmas Music - reminds us to praise the real meaning of Christmas.

What do I think of when I think of Christmas? I think of family gatherings, opening presents, going home, sledding on my aunt’s hill. But mostly I think about that night in Bethlehem when Jesus was born. When we think of that night most of the time we think about a quiet night when the whole world was silent just waiting for the Savior to be born, but in reality according to the Bible it was the exact opposite. Bethlehem was buzzing with frustrated travelers that were not happy to be in the town. You see the Savior was the last thing on their minds, they just wanted to pay their taxes put their name in for the census and get back home. Only a few select people actually saw Jesus that night. Mary Joseph the shepherds and maybe the innkeeper’s wife or servants. 

As we celebrate the season, let us not forget to become silent and worship the true meaning of Christmas. For without Jesus Christ, where would we be today?  

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My testimony

I found this video. I love this song.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas thought

Luke 2
10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

Did the angel really realize what he was saying when he said Fear not? Did he realize that the Savior of the world would make it possible to face our past, present, future, and even death without fear? Jesus came to free us from our past mistakes, failures, and things that other people have done to us. Jesus doesn’t want us to live in constant fear that we will make the same mistakes again. Does he want us to stop what we are doing and evaluate what we did. Yes, but He doesn’t want us to be afraid of taking a step out on faith, because we took that step the last time and failed to complete the job or it just didn‘t seem to work out. He wants us to overcome the times when people have done us wrong in the past. Does this excuse what that person did to us ? No, it does not.

Jesus made it possible for us to live in the present. He wants us to be able to live life fully even if it is just taking one step at a time. He is there to carry us when we don’t feel that we can’t take another step. We don’t have to be afraid, because we can have the confidence that He will carry us through.

Because He lives we can face the future. We don’t have to be in constant fear of what might happen to us. Jesus goes before us. He said that He wouldn’t put on us anything that we couldn’t handle with His strength to help us. We don’t have to be afraid of death. For as Christians, we know that death will bring us face to face with the One that we serve.

The King of kings and Lord of lords was born in a manager, died on a rugged cross, and rose again on the third day, so that we might have life and see Him and our loved ones that have gone on before us. So this Christmas season remember that the Babe that was born in the manager is standing right beside you and I , ready to help us overcome what ever has happened in the past, what we are struggling with right now or what we are about ready to face. FEAR NOT, For Emmanuel is near!

Monday, December 8, 2008

My God

Here is a reminder of how strong and faithful our God is

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What About Today?

I have said many times to myself "I will start eating healthy and exercising tomorrow" or "I can wait and do that homework assignment until tomorrow". As I sit here writing this, I'm asking myself, if I treat God and my relationship with Him this way. Do I put off my devotions if I get too busy thinking that I can catch up the next day. God is showing me how important it is not to do this. Yes, He can communicate with us even when we are not in our devotional "closet", but I wonder how many times we have missed His voice, because we are not practicing on a daily basis to listen to His voice. God wants to hear us cry out to Him and make our request know to him.

Do I walk by a hurting person and think that they will still be around to minister to tomorrow? Do I miss opportunities to tell people about Jesus just because I'm to busy? As a Christian, I'm commanded to reach out to the hurting. to show them the love of Christ. I'm realizing that my busy schedule being completed won't give me the satisfaction and joy that leading a lost soul to Christ.

As I look at the storm, I'm face today, I think do I have enough faith to trust God to bring me through. It's easy looking back on previous storms and see how God has moved. But as I go through another of life's tunnel where it is dark and hard to see God's hand, do I trust God to do what He promised He would do? He said that He would never leave me or forsake me. He said that He would carry me when I couldn't walk. So why is it so easy for me to take the situation out of God's hand, saying by my actions "God, I will trust you tomorrow".

Today is the day to live in, for we have this moment. God didn't promise us tomorrow. We say we need to have a spiritual revival in America, but it's not going to happen if we keep pushing our spiritual concerns to the back burner. As Christian, we need to stop playing around the edge of the waters, and plunge into the deep today. Because this is the moment that counts.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Trusting God

These days I find myself struggling to take my hands off of a certain situation and trust God completely with it. I find myself wanting to fix the situation my way, but I know that God knows what is best for my life. I ask myself why is it so hard to trust God. Is it that I think I can do a better job? That is just nonsense. How do I think that I can do a better job then the creator of the universe. The One who knows me and all fellow human beings better than I know myself or know them. The One who know exactly what it is going to take to fix the situation. I'm glad He knows, because I sure don't.

I have found when I do trust Him. He walks with me each step of the way. He gives me peace about the situation and assures me that He still cares. He showing me that it pays to trust him and He will work out everything just fine in His timing.

Trust His Heart - Babbie Mason

Trust His Heart by Babbie Mason

All things work for our good
Though sometimes we don't see how they could
Struggles that break our hearts in two
Sometimes blind us to the truth
Our Father knows what best for us
His ways are not our own
So when your pathway grows dim
And you just don't see Him
Remember you're never alone

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart
Trust His heart

He sees the master plan
And He holds our future in His hand
So don't live as those who have no hope
All our hope is found in Him
We see the present clearly
But He sees the first and the last
And like a tapestry He's weaving you and me
To someday be just like Him

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart
He alone is faithful and true
He alone knows what is best for you

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart
Trust His heart

When you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart
Trust His heart

Angels Among Us

Just thought I would share this song.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

God is Good!!

Last night I was involved in car accident. I was heading back to college from my parents house. I hit a patch of black ice and immediately started fish tailing. I tried to correct it, but my car just started to fish tail the other way. I ended up hitting the curb. I braced myself to hit the guard rail, but the officers said I ended up doing up something like this

Except I didn't do it as graceful. I landed rather hard and finally came to a complete stop. I started to get out of the car and a lady came down the hill asking if I was okay. I said I was okay, but I couldn't find my cell phone, so I asked to borrow hers. She didn't have one and I found mine in the door pocket. I called 911, but people had already beat me to the punch. I had police officers, ambulances, and fire trucks all around me. I was asked if I wanted to go to the hospital, but I couldn't decide because I was still in shock. So they ushered me into the ambulance, I called my mother who told me to go get checked out. I was put on a backboard (they need to make those things a little more comfortable) and I received the wonderful reward of a neck brace (those things could use a little work too). I then was off to the hospital that I had just passed five minutes before this grand event. Soon after I was evaluated in the ER, they decided to take me off of the back board, but the neck brace had to stay on until I had x-rays taken. The police officer came into my room and told me that four more accidents had happened at the same place after I had had mine. After everyone had left, I started to become bored and started to place calls to the people that needed to know what was going on. A man then came into my room to take me to the x-ray room (otherwise known as Antarctica). I think they took like ten x-rays and then rolled me back to my room (they need to put pictures on the ceiling, because the roll was rather boring looking up at the ceiling) Anyway, after the x-rays I started to get really bored and my brother-in-law asked for a picture of me in the neck brace, so this is my mug shot of boredom

Finally, they came in took the neck brace off and got the tape out of my hair that held the nifty little pads in place and offered me some food. This food lived up to the typical stereotype of hospital food and so I only ate some of it. Finally they said I could leave and my parents arrived to pick me up.

Today, we went to look at the car. It doesn't look so bad, but we will have to wait for the shop to check it out tomorrow. I also go for a follow-up appointment at my family doctor tomorrow to see what is up with all the soreness that is going on in my neck and back and what they want to do about it.

Lessons I have learned from this accident

  1. Be ready to enter into eternity at a moments notice
  2. God is my protector
  3. Live each moment like it is your last
  4. If you think that you will regret not doing something, do it. Don't put it off
  5. God has a bigger plan than what my human eyes can see.

Love ya all and thanks to everyone that kept me company via my cell phone in the ER last night. Thanks to the ambulance workers and the nurses who took care of me. Thanks Dad, Mom, and Uncle Terry for braving the roads to come get me. Thanks John, Monica, and Janae for providing everyone a place to stay last night.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

While doing a research paper for school, I found this quote from Wayne Jackson and thought I would share.

"Life is filed with struggle and heartache. But giving in never accomplishes anything. It only complicates."

DESCRIPTION: Man reading a book titled "How to Run From God" that was written by Jonah CAPTION: IT JUST SAYS "DON'T"
Take Jonah's advice. Stick it out. Remember God is always with you in the midst of the storm.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Many walls have been built over the centuries of time. Some built by wood and stone, which crumble over time. Some walls are built by hurt, anger, an unforgiving spirit, and bitterness. These walls can only be torn down by the person that built them. If the choice is made not to tear them down, these walls grow taller and stronger daily until they completely surround and swallow the person. Eventually, these walls are all the person see and is able to focus on. These walls effect every area of the person's spiritual life, emotional life, and relationships. These invisible walls do not only effect the person that built them, but also everyone that is in contact with the person. These walls holds people at arm's length. The builder assumes that he/she will never be hurt again, but in reality they are hurt day after day because the old wound is festering and not healing. Secretly, the person is longing for freedom from these walls, but either doesn't know how to escape or doesn't want to risk the emotional pain that will be apart of the healing process. They don't want to give up the "security" that these walls give them.

There is hope for the person that is trapped in these walls. I heard a song recently that says it all.

In this world where you’ve been living
You have lived for much to long
And your life has lost it sunshine
And your heart has lost it’s song
You have made your life a prison
With the walls so big and wide
And you’ve left the Lord outside

Freedom freedom is yours for the asking
Jesus is waiting to make you free
His love will take you
Where walls can’t separate you
And you shall be free
When the truth makes you free

You have made yourself a prisoner
Of a world you won’t let go
And the walls rise up around you
And each day they upward grow
Look above the sun is shining
There is a bright new world above
It is God’s world of freedom and love

The hope is in Jesus. He will heal the hurt and pain. Look up for your redemption draweth nigh. No, it is not an easy road. Sometimes you have to go through more pain before you can heal properly. But if you give everything to Jesus, He will help you through it and help you break through the walls. Set up a close support system with people that you trust. Hold to God's promise that He will never leave you or forsake you. Remind yourself daily that God loves you and can also feel the pain you are going through.

For those that have already broken out of their walls, reach out to those who are hurting. Show them Christ's love. Sure, sometimes it's not easy, but remember the pain that you have gone through and what it took for you to break out of your walls. Be there to listen when the hurting wants to talk. Remember to carry this person to Christ through prayer and fasting. Remind them carefully and gently that when the wall is torn down that they will be free. Free from the pain, torture, and guilt. I challenge you seek out a prisoner of these invisible walls and be Christ to them.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mid-terms are over!

Mid-terms are over and break will be here as soon as my night class is over. I will be heading to my parents for the weekend and then back to John and Monica's for a few days. I can't wait.

God is helping me and answering prayers. He has answered a prayer just today.

Well gotta run and pack and read for tonight's class.

Signing off,
The procrastinator :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fall is here!

I have a tradition of taking fall pictures of Janae. Here is one that I took this weekend.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Whispered Prayers

Karen Peck and New River's song "Whispered Prayers" really spoke to me today. I felt like some of my prayers were not getting through today. But God gently reminded me to hang on, because they are being heard and in His timing everything will work out
Here's the song

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I recently found this song on the new Booth Brother's cd and absolutely love it!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This video clip reminded me of how Jesus came to earth to fight our battle and won. Then He picked us out of the crowd and took us into the arena of life and said “ This is my child. I have fought the battle and won especially for him/her”. Then He will lead us to Heaven and present us to God the Father and say "Well done, You are beautiful in My eyes". Jesus looks at me through the eyes of mercy and says "Melissa , you are beautiful in my eyes. Keep listening to me and you will turn out just the way that I wanted you to". He never leaves me. He is always there walking beside me. He is there to listen to me when I need Him the most. I serve Him, because I love Him. For truly He has given life to me.

Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee…..

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Corinthians 13

I was studying I Corinthians 13 and found it helpful to write my verison to help me study it. Here's what I came up with

If I have impeccable communication skills, but don’t have true love. I am like a really bad orchestra that’s out of tune and not in sync.

If I could tell the future and understand the questions of life and have enough faith to see mountains walk out of my way but do not have love I might as well be the dirt on the ground or invisible

If I give everything I have to the needy and do everything I can for people to the point I’m burned out, but don’t have love. I might as well not have done it at all.

Love doesn’t blow up easily, but tries to understand the other person’s points of views. Love is not jealous of the other person or of their possessions. Love is not stuck on itself. Love is not condescending or rude. Love doesn’t always have to have it’s own way. It does not get easily upset or despise Love hates it when wrong is done. Love doesn’t count up wrongdoing. Loves extremely appreciate it when the other person is honest. Love endures life experiences and pressures of life. Love believes and trusts. Love never gives up hope. Love never ends or stops

Prophecies will be fulfilled or forgotten. Languages will cease to exist. Knowledge can be forgotten. We only know a little part of the whole story and we try to figure out the rest to tell other people. But one day we will know the whole story and we will forget the little story.
When I was a child, I spoke, thought, and processed as a child. Now I’m a woman and I act like it. On the day that we see the whole story and see Jesus face-to-face, I will be know as I really am.

Faith, Hope, and Love these three are important in life, but he most important is love.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I like to take pictures of my little "sis" aka as my niece. Here are a few of my favorites.

God is there

I am going through a difficult time right now. My cousin sent this to me and I thought I would share

He Wants to Comfort You
by Max Lucado

My child's feelings are hurt. I tell her she's special. My child is injured. I do whatever it takes to make her feel better.

My child is afraid. I won't go to sleep until she is secure.

I'm not a hero. I'm not a superstar. I'm not unusual. I'm a parent. When a child hurts, a parent does what comes naturally. He helps.

And after I help, I don't charge a fee. I don't ask for a favor in return. When my child cries, I don't tell her to buck up, act tough, and keep a stiff upper lip. Nor do I consult a list and ask her why she is still scraping the same elbow or waking me up again.

I'm not a prophet, nor the son of one, but something tells me that in the whole scheme of things the tender moments described above are infinitely more valuable than anything I do in front of a computer screen or congregation. Something tells me that the moments of comfort I give my child are a small price to pay for the joy of someday seeing my daughter do for her daughter what her dad did for her.

Moments of comfort from a parent. As a father, I can tell you they are the sweetest moments in my day. They come naturally. They come willingly. They come joyfully.

If all of that is true, if I know that one of the privileges of fatherhood is to comfort a child, then why am I so reluctant to let my heavenly Father comfort me?

Why do I think he wouldn't want to hear about my problems? ("They are puny compared to people starving in India.")

Why do I think he is too busy for me? ("He's got a whole universe to worry about.")

Why do I think he's tired of hearing the same old stuff?

Why do I think he groans when he sees me coming?

Why do I think he consults his list when I ask for forgiveness and asks, "Don't you think you're going to the well a few too many times on this one?

"Why do I think I have to speak a holy language around him that I don't speak with anyone else?

Why do I not take him seriously when he questions, "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" (Matthew 7:11)

Why don't I let my Father do for me what I am more than willing to do for my own children?

I'm learning, though. Being a parent is better than a course on theology. Being a father is teaching me that when I am criticized, injured, or afraid, there is a Father who is ready to comfort me. There is a Father who will hold me until I'm better, help me until I can live with the hurt, and who won't go to sleep when I'm afraid of waking up and seeing the dark.

Ever. And that's enough.

God is teaching me that He is there for me and that I can trust Him with anything. Thank goodness He knows what to do all the time, because I don't most of the time :) But I have learned that if I follow Him, He will guide me through the most difficult of times.