Sunday, December 21, 2008

What do I think of when I think of Christmas? I think of family gatherings, opening presents, going home, sledding on my aunt’s hill. But mostly I think about that night in Bethlehem when Jesus was born. When we think of that night most of the time we think about a quiet night when the whole world was silent just waiting for the Savior to be born, but in reality according to the Bible it was the exact opposite. Bethlehem was buzzing with frustrated travelers that were not happy to be in the town. You see the Savior was the last thing on their minds, they just wanted to pay their taxes put their name in for the census and get back home. Only a few select people actually saw Jesus that night. Mary Joseph the shepherds and maybe the innkeeper’s wife or servants. 

As we celebrate the season, let us not forget to become silent and worship the true meaning of Christmas. For without Jesus Christ, where would we be today?  

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